Here is my home grown list of tricks. It not only explains the tricks, but tells you how to do them. Dive in, have fun. Remember, perform at your own risk, wear safety gear, and try it when you're ready.
If you are doing these tricks, it is vital that you first learn the basics to get you up the ramp, and stop you safely. These are: Powerslides, frontside and back(toeside and heel side), and switch powerslides(powersliding with the oposite foot forward). If you can't do that, learn em, and come back to this when you have.
The tricks listed here, are listed in chronological order to the best of my ability. This means, the tricks are in order that whould be easiest to learn, and are also organized by type of trick.
Ground tricks
Ground tricks are those tricks that don't need a ramp to be performed. Since the lower to the ground the safer you are, these are the first tricks you should learn before going on to any airtime. These tricks teach balance, and help to build muscle needed for air based manuvers.
Front side Jump 180(Air to fakie or just "180"): This trick requires a strong jump, and a hard push of the front and back leg. The object is to turn the board around frontside(frontside is a spin that you can see the landing during the entire rotation) and land it backwards. Come in a low speed, or stoped, on a flat section of ground, preferably grass in case you fall. Crouch down and give your board a hard push down, this will make the board flex, as it flexes back jump and throw your board around as hard as you can. Pushing it with the back leg and pulling with the front is usauly the easiest way to do this. This may take some practice to get around.
Backside 180: This is similar to the above, but instead of spining frontside, and seeing your landing, you will be spinning backside, and have a blind landing, meanining you won't see the landing the first part of the landing. For this, aproach slowly, or stoped, again, on grass if you can. Start to turn your body backside(clockwise if you are left foot forward(regular footed), counter clockwise if your ride right foot forward(goofy). Throw your shoulders and/or arms into the rotation and jump. As the rotation takes shape keep your head turned into the dirrection of the spin. As it closes out spot your landing and keep and eye on it. Land firmly.
Manual(also known as a wheelie): The object of this is to balance the board on two wheels, front or back. Set your weight even on the board, pop the board(make it flex), and pull up on the nose as you shift your weight slightly forward to compensate. Hold it for just a seccond to begin with. As you get better try to hold it longer and do it down slopes(which seems to be easier to hold) and make it look good. You can also add grabs for style.
Nose manual: Same as above, but do it on the front of the board. Much trickier, but looks sweet.
Noseroll: The object of this is to roll the board around a complete 180 on the nose of the board. This move is simple, and is one of the easiest tricks to do after you learn it. To perform this correctly, throw your weight forward, like you whould do a nose manual(above), and pivot your front foot around 180 degrees. Use your back foot to help the rotation around, but it's mainly in the front foot. Try this frontside and backside. Backside is done about like a backside 180, but keep the nose on the ground.
Set-down: The object of this is to do a 90 degree turn in the air(half a 180), set down two wheels, and revert it back around to strait. This is a bit trickier than the tricks listed above, and requires the skill of them to do it well. How to: Crouch down, jump(pop if you need) and turn frontside, as you near about 45 degrees into the rotation(less than half a 180, start slow) set the back wheels down with a bit of weight. Use this as a pivot point and push the front of the board back straight. As you get better you can go nearly 180 in. And if your feeling tough, go for it backside, much much harder.
Two-Wheeled power slide: The object of this is to manual up on the back wheels, and slide the back two wheels 90 degrees and rever back. Similar to a set-down, but you stay stuck to the ground. Come up with a small amount of speed. Crouch down and get ready to pop. Pull up on the front wheels, and hold the back two on the ground. pull frontside with your front foot, and push with the backfoot. After some practice you should be able to slide it, and put it back strait.
The second set of trick tips will be based on lip tricks. Very few people know of all the varieties of lip tricks that can be done on an atb.
Lip tricks.
The main thing to remember here is this. Do Not over estimate the speed needed to do a trick. If you do, you could very well end up cliping or landing on the lip, in a way not intended, and easily fall to the bottom of the ramp/pool. It's better to roll back down safely, than to fall back down in a wad of pain. Just a helpfull tip. If your going to slow, or too fast for a trick, a lot of times, there is another trick you can do instead that will keep you safe. Not all tricks are just tricks. Some will keep you safe.
the hang up- The most basic lip trick to learn. It is very simple. Just roll slowly up the quarter pipe wall, and let your front wheels barely clear the coping(top of ramp). Then push the wheel over the lip, and let it hang up on it. Simply pull up on the tire just a little bit, and you will roll back down the pipe. The most crucial thing about this, is to not go too high out of the pipe with it. If you do, the wheel will suddenly jolt, and send you, and not your board, to the floor of the pipe. Just be nice and easy with this trick, and you'll be fine.
Rock and roll- Easy to learn if you know how to hang up properly. For this, aproach the lip a bit faster. You'll need to pop out of the ramp just enough to land with your deck, dead center, on the coping. When that is done you should be at a slight tilt, just enough to keep you balanced on the ramp. Not so much to slide back, but not too much to go forward. Now , you lean your weight forward untill the wheel either nearly touches the ramp, or does touch, and then lean back to a good center of balance. Now this is the hard part, as you level back out, you have to pop off the ramp just enough to clear the coping with the wheels, or once again, you will end up at the bottom. After that, just keep your weight slightly forward, and you should come out fine.
Disaster- To do this one, do a 180 up to the coping, then land like you do on a rock and roll, and pop back into the ramp just like a rock and roll. The hard part of this one, is to not slide when you stall. If you do, just kick away from ramp with the board just a bit, and you should come out clean anyway.
lip stall/truck stall-To do this, you come in with a little more speed than a rock and roll. As you come up on the lip, hope up, and turn sideways frotside. Land with the trucks on the lip of the ramp evenly, with your body hanging slightly back into the ramp, This helps with the dismount. To dismount, either roll on your tail frontside(or as you get better the nose backside for difficulty points) and you will go smoothly down the pipe if you can keep your balance. Or, you can hop off and throw in a 90 degree turn, and level out with the ramp and go out that way.
Backside lip stall-This is a little trickier. The same as above, but turn backside, and watch the lip carefully as you aproach it. Land firmly on the edge, again, with your weight ever so slightly leaning down the ramp, and tail roll back side( or noseroll frontside when your better at them) back down the ramp, or hop and turn back into the ramp, being carefull to not hang up.
Wedge stall- To do this, come in and hop up to the lip as you whould a lip stall, and land with the front tuck on the lip, and the deck, across it. This will end you up, wedged on the ramp at an angle. Getting out of this is tricky. You MUST pop off the ramp to land it correcly. As you do, you will have to over rotate, or under rotate, depending on wich way you came in, and wich way you are spinning out. From there, you know what to do. The danger in this trick is not getting off right, but having the deck slip back into the ramp before your ready too. If this happens, try to get onto the lip of the ramp if you can. You can normaly get to it safely if the deck slides.
basic jumping techniques.
Jump: This is pretty simple. As you come up to the lip, or drop or whatever, have your knees bent, just before you reach the end straighten out your legs(jump). While in the air, tuck your legs to keep you stable and help level you out. Before landing, straighten your legs out, but keep knees bent, and land, obsorbing the shock with your legs.
Compressing: This is a technique that obsorbs inpact and lenghtens the life of your board, and you. Expecialy helpfull on flat landings. As you land, crouch down as your weight comes down on the board, don't just flop down too quick, or do it to slowly. If you compress too far, you may sit down on the deck, or streetch you knees out, so use your muscle to hold you up, but don't land stiff.
Olie: This gives you more air, great for jumping on to things. Kind of performed like a manual to jump. First tuck down, then shove your weight down on the deck, and simultaniously pull up hard on the front of the board and hop, then pull up the back. This will pop it off the ground.
Perform these tricks at your own risk. I am in no way responible for any misshaps. Take care when learning new things, and work small. Baby steps will keep you on your board for a long time.
Grabs(need a little air, or big air for some of em)
A grab is just what it says, you reach down, and grab your board. This is not only a styling way to fly, but also can make a spin look real nice if you do them correctly.
All grabs are the same no matter what stance you ride, so don't let that confuse you.
Indy: This is a very easy, very basic grab. Reach down with your back hand and grab the toe side of the board(toe side is the side your toes are nearest when riding, heal side is the oposite). Usualy done grabing between the feet or near the tail.
Mute: To do this, reach down with your front hand, and grab the toe side edge of your board. Usualy done grabing between the feet.
Melon/meloncholy: Grab the heal side of the board, with your front hand, usualy infront of your front foot.
Nose Grab: Simply grab the nose end(front) of your board. Called a truck grab if you grab the truck instead of deck.
Tail grab: Same as above, but instead of the nose, grab the tail, the back end of your board. Also called a rear truck grab if you grab the back truck.
Stalefish: Grab with your backhand, on your heal side edge.
Method: Done by pulling the board up behind you by bending your knees all the way back, so that the board ends up verticle behind you, then grab the heal side rail.
Suitcase: done the same as above, but take your hand all the way behind your board, across the back, and grabing your toe side edge. You should end up looking like your carrying a suit case(your board)
Roast beef: Grabing with the back hand, between the legs from the front, to the heal side edge.
Rodeo grab: Same as abouve but with the front hand.
Master the below tricks before moving on to these grabs
Japan air: Grabing mute, then pulling it up behind you like a method or a suitcase.
Nuclear: Grabing with your back hand, across the front of the body, to the front heal side edge.
Seatbelt: Grabing with your back hand, to the nose. Your arm should go across you like a seat belt whould in a car.
Backside seatbelt: Grabing with the front hand, to the tail.
Half Life: Pulling the board behind you like a method, hooking arm under the front truck, and grabing the nose. (Michael largents invention)
Air manuvers
My recogmendation is to never bail(kick the board away). You have a much greater chance if you let the board hit first, and obosorb most of the impact, and try to ride it out if something goes wrong.
These are stylish ways to move in the air. When combined with grabs, these can look insanely good, but at the same time be insanely technical. These tricks are the more technical tricks, and greatly increase the chance of being injured. Learn them slow, and learn them well before moving on to the harder ones. They are listed chronologicly, easy to hard.
180:This trick requires a strong jump, and a hard push of the front and back leg. The object is to turn the board around frontside(frontside is a spin that you can see the landing during the entire rotation) and land it backwards. Come in a low speed, or stoped, on a flat section of ground, preferably grass in case you fall. Crouch down and give your board a hard push down, this will make the board flex, as it flexes back jump and throw your board around as hard as you can. Pushing it with the back leg and pulling with the front is usauly the easiest way to do this. Don't get frustrated if you can't get it around, or have trouble with the landing. Just give it some practice, and some time.
Backside 180: This is similar to the above, but instead of spining frontside, and seeing your landing, you will be spinning backside, and have a blind landing, meanining you won't see the landing the first part of the landing. For this, aproach slowly, or stoped, again, on grass if you can. Start to turn your body backside(clockwise if you are left foot forward(regular footed), counter clockwise if your ride right foot forward(goofy). Throw your shoulders and/or arms into the rotation and jump. As the rotation takes shape keep your head turned into the dirrection of the spin. As it closes out spot your landing and keep and eye on it. Land firmly.
Nose poke: Push with the front foot, forward. This will push the board out in front of you. Pull it back, and make sure you land with your weight even.
Shifty: This is like a 90 degree turn(half a 180) frontside, then bringing it back strait. As you come up to the jump,crouch down, and use some pop. As you lift up, imediately push with the backfoot, and pull with the front. Then, rotate it back to strait. Start slow, with a small shifty. Maybee 10 or so degrees at first. Eventualy, you can get the 90 shifty.
Stiffy: This is when you stretch out both legs as far out as you can. With some practice, you can get both legs boned all the way out, having both legs fully extended.
Nose/tail bone. To bone something out(lets say nose bone) is to stretch out the front leg, as far out as it will go, and tuck the back leg, so that your front leg is perfectly strait, like it's one solid bone. Hence the name. This can be done with the back leg too(tail bone)
These next tricks should only be performed when you are ABSOLUTELY ready.
Frontside 360: Work up to this one. This isn't a trick easily learned. It takes time, strenght, and good balance. It's also a blind landing, meaning you won't see the landing till the last second.Start out with a small ramp, 1 or 2 feet. The object of this it to spin the board a full rotation(2 180 degree turns in one jump) and land strait. As you aproach the ramp, with normal, stable speed, crouch down. Pre-wind your body, meaning sence your going to spin frontside, twist your body and arms backside. As you jump, unwind your body with everything you have. Throw your arms and shoulders into the rotation just before the jump, jump. Begin looking into the spin fully. As you feel the spin come around, keep your head into the rotation, stop looking, and you stop spinning. Spot your landing as early as you can. Let your body unwind as you see it, and land the best you can. This trick takes a lot of time to master, unless you have learned it in another sport already.
Backside 360: A 360 degree turn, but now, backside. As you come up for the jump, pre wind(this time slighty frontside). Look slightly twords your back, not so far as to where you can't see where your going, as you come up the ramp. Unwind your body and jump. Watch for the landing the whole time as you feel your body undwind. You will be able to see the landing come around since this is not a blind rotation. Spot the landing, and ride away.
